Monday, August 11, 2014

I am - Anthology Piece

This is my anthology piece I wrote for one of my classes. I felt like it was good enough to share. It's ment be a journey I have walked.


I am

I am content

I am alone

I am happy

I am nervous

I am friendly

I am shy

I am reached for

I am retreating

I am alone again

I am longing to be loved

I am missing you

I am aching to be held

I am missed

I am reaching back

I am held

I am kissed

I am loved

I am content

I am planning

I am unsure

I am discontented

I am resistant of change

I am hurting you

I am hurting

I am broken

I am alone

I am healing

I am happy

I am content

I am

~Katie Jean~

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Teachers Make by Talyor Mali

This speaks for itself for the most part. I've had good teachers and bad ones as I've gone to school, I think every child who's ever attended a school can say the same. I enjoy Taylor Mali's perspective of teaching. I share it in many ways, he describes the kind of passion I want to incorporate into my work with students. So please enjoy:

For more of his poetry visit

~ Katie Jean ~